Saturday 26 January 2013

The Holly Holy Day - Battle of Nantwich

I took the family out to Nantwich for the annual English Civil War re-enactment (, something which I've been aware of for a number of years, but each year missed it due to work commitments.  Now, with a current lack of work and a child who might be interested in soldiers and things that go bang (even if his mum really, really isn't) I arranged for a day out there.  In the end we arrived in time to see the Sealed Knot troops heading towards the market place, then went for a sandwich in a Subway, before heading down to Mill Island for the battle at 2pm.  The noise (especially of the cannon) proved too much for both of the other members of my party and we had to settle with standing on the road side to watch, hence the long distance pictures.  We also only managed 35 minutes out of the little one before he got bored, but that was 20 minutes more than I had thought so we did well, certainly seemed to do better than Red who by accounts didn't even make it too the road because of the loud bangs.  Perhaps next year we'll see more, not sure who was on which side, but it all looked good fun and excellent exercise!

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