Monday, 12 February 2024

Wars Of The Roses - Part 6

Just as it began to look safe to come out from behind the sofa....bang! Another Wars Of The Roses post swam into view.  Part 6 follows almost exactly three years after Part 5, and approximately eleven and a half years since Part 1.

Having spent too long doom scrolling (is that a phrase?) and watching rubbish in the evenings on my phone I decided I'd like something constructive instead and out came the Wars Of The Roses.  Originally I was building a Yorkist army, but now I'm just building a generic army I can split into two when I want a game.  

In the last few weeks I've managed to paint a unit of bowmen and one of men at arms, although they are awaiting the final touch of some green flock and perhaps a flower or two on their bases.  

Having done the usual brown leather undercoat I gave them a dry brush of matt white to help the brighter colours I was planning to stand out.  I've been buying a few speed paints, most of which work quite well, especially over a white base, and used these for the browns and red (note: the 'Holy White' did not work so well - just came out grey).  

For the armour I used a coat of leadbelcher, then an Army Painter dark tone wash, before drybrushing in shinning silver.  A bit of red brown and sandy colours for the belts and weapon handles was covered in the Army Painter strong tone wash and highlighted, and the skin with a flesh speed paint and wash, and some gold bits to give a bit of variety and colour.  Everything was finished off with a gloss varnish on the metals, and a matt varnish on the more natural materials and it was done.  The bowmen had a few more colours including a yellow and green, but all done in the same way with paint+wash+highlights.

Overall reasonably pleased with them, now on to the next couple of units.