Friday 12 February 2021

Wars Of The Roses - Part 5

 A mere four years later and a Wars of the Roses post appears.....between children, football (children's football!), work, general exhaustion and indeed now Covid-19, I have done little in the way of gaming and modelling.  However, recently I have been tinkering a bit.  My 10 year old is very keen on wargaming, and this helps, although he bounces between periods and genres quicker than an Audi going between lanes on the motorway.  

I started by fixing the odd bit here and there - broken Imperial Guard sentinels and guardsmen, and an undead dragon or two - and found it therapeutic.  Buoyed by the appearance of a nice set of rules called Never Mind The Billhooks I began putting together a few figures from the many boxes of Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses figures which have been laying about for about  four years.....and we're back were we started. Since I discovered the period theres always been something about it that makes me keen coming back. In the future there may be more posts; I'm hoping to explain how the army is based - expensively it turns out - and I've dug out my airbrush so that could be good for an 'amateur destroys army during horendous airbrush fail' post, but for now heres a few pictures of my current collection (should you have a fear of grey plastic now is a good time to avert your eyes or find the washing up etc more enticing). Yes, most of it is grey. In fact even the bits that are painted have bits which are grey because they needed arms and weapons (and tails) replacing or repairing after years of being ignored or 'played with' by a well meaning smaller person. And theres a chicken coop. And a badger. I don't know why there is a badger. There is some brown however, but that is mostly the bases. I should also mention that the bottom picture is some of my son's army, complete with Henry VII. He has many, many models and will hopefully be quicker at painting that me.

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