Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Work In Progress.....June 2014

Plenty of painting work done this month in bursts as I finished my 28mm Napoleonic French for Gauntlet, and added more models to help my newly painted (May) Flames of War Panthers out in their first (fully painted) outing.  I’ve now 2 battalions of Frenchmen painted; a total of 81 painted models, 62 (!) of which were varnished and as such finished this month, flags pending. 

For the 15mm Germans I re-painted my 3 AA gun trucks to fit in with the Middlestone late war colour scheme; previously I had painted them grey to fit with the mid-war period, but realised I used them almost exclusively for late war.  They actually took around 4 months to paint previously because my son turned up midway through, while this time was about a 36 hour turn around!  4 resin Kerr and King halftracks were added to this, before I finally finished my Sd Kfz 231 8-rad armoured cars.  The 8-rads are one of my favourite models and units in Flames of War, but up to this point I had only painted 2 out of my 6 (heavy metal purchased easily 5 years ago from Old Glory to combat the universal carrier menace).  They now share the same camo scheme as the Panthers and half tracks.

For gaming I took part in a one-day Dreadball tournament, and although I finished 3rd I did bag the best painted award for my Carbis Bay Buccaneer Corporation team which I was very pleased with.  I also enjoyed a very good Flames of War game with Ian (from Warrington) who was an excellent opponent, and defeated my old adversaries Laurent and Luke in some Dreadball practice games before the tournament.  Finally the Panthers and their supporting newly-painted buddies got an outing; thoroughly trouncing Pete and Red’s Russian armour.

Overall that is 61 frenchmen, 3 AA guns, 4 half tracks and 4 armoured cars this month.
Purchased: 23
Painted: 119

The whole newly painted bunch from the road down - 8 Panthers, 1 bergepanther, 1 konigstiger, 4 armoured cars, 4 halftracks and 3 tracked AA guns.  Not the triplane!